“Tell Me Lies” follows Lucy Albright’s journey as a student at a small Californian college, miles away from her mother and her preppy life in Long Island. Amidst new friends and college parties, Lucy meets the enigmatic Stephen DeMarco. From there, her life dips into troubling territory.
Book Review: Beyond the Wand: The Magic & Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard by Tom Felton
“Beyond the Wand” is Tom Felton’s memoir of growing up as a child star of the famously beloved Harry Potter series (known for his exceptional role as Draco Malfoy), his close relationship and appreciation with his cast members, and his harsher adult years dealing and recovering from mental health problems.
Book Review: Stoner by John Williams
“Stoner” is a literary fiction novel, set at the end of the 19th century, that follows William Stoner’s life, a poor son of a Missouri farmer turned university scholar.
Book Review: Iron Flame (The Empyrean #2) by Rebecca Yarros
“Iron Flame” is the second romance fantasy book in The Empyrean series. The story follows Violet Sorrengail’s education as a dragon rider during her second year at the Basgiath War College.
Book Review: My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh
Set at the backdrop of the turn of the century, “My Year of Rest and Relaxation” follows a privileged narrator (thin, pretty, white, rich, you get the gist) who hibernates in a drug-induced state for a year in her paid-for Upper East Side apartment. On the surface, she has everything any girl wants. But through the cracks, we meet a character who’s deeply flawed and terribly, terribly alone.
Book Review: The Strength In Our Scars by Bianca Sparacino
“The Strength In Our Scars” is a collection of modern poetry in fragments focused on self-actualization and self-acceptance.