“The City and Its Uncertain Walls” begins with a young nameless couple. The story truly starts when the girl disappears and the boy, now a middle-aged man, decides to unravel the mystery of the walled city she once spoke of.
Book Review: Rouge by Mona Awad
“Rouge” follows the unraveling of our main character, Mirabelle. After her mother’s passing, Belle stays in California, cleaning up her mother’s apartment. From there, she’s recruited to Rouge, a Spa that promises her that she can be her Most Magnificent Self, the very same Maison de Méduse that her mother attended before she went the Way of the Roses.
Book Review: The Dangers of Smoking in Bed by Mariana Enríquez
“The Dangers of Smoking in Bed” is a collection of dark, unsettling, and, at times, grotesquely graphic stories set at the heart of Buenos Aires. Ghosts, superstitions, disappearing children, troubled teenagers, and more!