“The Joy of Pain” is a non-fiction book that explores both the psychological and sociological nature of schadenfreude — that shameful joy we experience when we watch the misfortunes of others (those we are jealous of, enemies, and even sometimes towards our friends, family, and acquaintances.)
Book Review: Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier
“Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now” by Jaron Lanier is a great book to read if you’re fascinated by technology and social media. It’s an even greater read if you’re considering taking a social media break.
Furthermore, if you want to know my own take and my in-depth summary of this book, you can read this post here from my educational blog. It talks about the 6 Big Mental Health Reasons to Take A Social Media Break using Lanier’s ideas.