“The War of Art” is a short but punchy non-fiction book that aims to help you break through your creative blocks and win your inner creative battles.
Book Review: The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin
“The Creative Act: A Way of Being” is a book about embodying creativity, and is written by world-renowned music producer Rick Rubin.
Book Review: Stop Doing That Sh*t: End Self-Sabotage and Demand Your Life Back by Gary John Bishop
“Stop Doing That Sh*t” is a self-help book written in the no-nonsense modern way of blogger-style writing to help guide readers to overcome their self-sabotaging tendencies.
Book Review: Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier
“Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now” by Jaron Lanier is a great book to read if you’re fascinated by technology and social media. It’s an even greater read if you’re considering taking a social media break.
Furthermore, if you want to know my own take and my in-depth summary of this book, you can read this post here from my educational blog. It talks about the 6 Big Mental Health Reasons to Take A Social Media Break using Lanier’s ideas.
How to Refresh Your Life (20 Simple Ways)
In this post, I want to offer you 20 simple ways on how to refresh your life.
At times, we can feel unmotivated, dissatisfied, cluttered, and overwhelmed in our lives. Sometimes we don’t realize that we need to do things differently or that we can take small simple steps to revamp our motivation, productivity, and head space.
How to Focus in the Present and be Happier
To begin with, the book “The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” by Eckhart Tolle is a philosophical self-help guide published in 1997.
I personally discovered this book through a friend’s recommendation. Taking one look at the title, I said that this one is not for me. I told my friend that I don’t think I will be able to keep an open mind while reading this. He told me to try it and that I won’t regret it.
And so I did, and now I have learned so many life long lessons from this guide. I am better able to focus in the present moment and allow myself to be happier.
10 Crucial Life Lessons from Jon Krakauer’s Book “Into the Wild”
Before diving into the crucial life lessons this non-fiction book has personally taught me, I would like to give a brief summary. I would also like to quickly mention why it has first impacted me many years ago.
I hope to encourage you to pick up this book or at the very least to watch the movie “Into the Wild.” If not, I hope this post helps you reflect on the lessons you have personally learned in your life.
If you recognize the title of this book, it may be because it is a critically acclaimed and often talk about for its controversy and its life-changing read. There is also a movie by the same name that was filmed a decade after the book’s publication. The book “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer came out in 1996 while the movie directed by Sean Penn was released in 2007.
How to Achieve Your Goals (7 Simple Steps)
This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Please read my full disclosure for more information. I have always loved the feeling of accomplishing my personal…