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During the lockdown, a lot of people have taken to exploring and experimenting with new things to do at home, as well as accomplishing tasks that have been left at the wayside for too long.
Myself included!
I have compiled a list of 50 productive things to do at home during quarantine in 2021. I have sorted this list under the categories of work and money, miscellaneous activities, health and beauty, writing, media, learning as well as cleaning and organizing.
I can vouch for these tasks as I have done all of them except for three in the last year. It was a long but a very productive year indeed!
Money and Work

1. Start a blog
There is not a better time than to start that niche blog idea you’ve always had than it is now. You can start a blog for fun, for an extra stream of income, or even for both. You can either start a blog for free or for low hosting fee in order to own your personal domain. Start a self-hosted WordPress blog with Bluehost for as low as $3.95 a month here.
2. Start a YouTube channel
Similarly, you can get creative with starting a YouTube channel. You don’t even need a fancy set up and/or pricy equipment. All you need is a device that records videos and an internet connection.
3. Start an online side hustle
While you’re at it, why not come up with ideas for a small online shop and/or business. It can be low risk and you can choose the budget you want to invest in it. You can even sell your services online.
4. Develop new skills
Since we are spending so much time online, it would be a great opportunity to learn new skills such as online marketing, designing, video editing, and the likes.
5. Get financially literate
I always talk highly and greatly encourage financial literacy. Learning how to personally manage our finances will serve us consistently throughout our lives. We can make informed decisions and explore many different options on the way we make, save, invest, and spend our money.
SEE ALSO: Top 3 Personal Finance Books for Beginners
6. Learn about stocks
One of very many aspects of personal finance is learning about stocks and the stock market. Learning about stocks will abolish a lot of the mysticism and incomprehension surrounding the ways we can invest our money and plan efficiently for our retirement.
7. Start investing
The natural step after learning about stocks and getting more and more financially literate, would be to start your investment portfolio.
You can start slow and with low risk. The important thing is to start and to learn along the way.
Miscellaneous Activities

8. Google famous last words
Googling famous last words can really help you with facing the mortality of life. I find famous last words very telling of the important things in life as well as inspiring in living life to the fullest.
9. Play mind stimulating games
You can play mind stimulating games to relax your brain, practice your memory, and challenge you in a fun way. Some famous game examples involve chess, scrabble, word search, crosswords, and sudoku.
10. Complete coloring books and/or puzzles
Another type of stimulating activity you can do are completion activities such as finishing a whole coloring book and/or different puzzles.
11. Try a DIY project
DIY (do-it-yourself) projects can be really relaxing as well as boost the creative side of your brain. Additionally, you can decorate your home with the result. Some popular DIY involve making homemade candles, garlands, paintings, and other such decors.
Health & Beauty

12. Try a new hairstyle
While you are home, you have nothing to lose when you try new hairstyles. Cutting, styling, and coloring your hair can be fun and invigorating. It can be bold and even boost your self-esteem and help you find a new look.
I chopped all of my hair for the first time and it was amazing and freeing.
13. Try new recipes
Since we are home all of the time, why not try new recipes or even create our own new recipes. If you normally eat out or at restaurants; you can try one of your favorite speciality dishes at home.
Either way, you can better your cooking skills and experiment cooking new cuisines.
SEE ALSO: Keto Recipes
14. Make a cookbook
Making a cookbook can be a fun project of preserving all the interesting cool new recipes or old family recipes.
Plus, this cookbook can be passed down in the future or even be turned into an Ebook.
15. New skin care routine
At home, we can experiment new skin care routines or even homemade skin remedies.
16. Incorporate new healthy daily habits
With having more time on our hands, we can incorporated intentionally stick new healthy daily habits such as meditating, stretching, reading, and practicing gratitude and positive affirmations.
17. Make new morning and night routines
You can experiment with new morning and night routines to see which ones help to have efficient good days and the best nighttime sleep. You can tweak and change these routines according to the week’s work or study load as well as your motivation, mental and physical health level.
It’s a good thing to stick with routines up until the point they no longer benefit you.
SEE ALSO: 5 Healthy Habits to Incorporate in Your Night Time Routine
18. Create a new home workout
Creating new home workouts with household items can be really fun to do. You can use many different items (ex: rice bags, cans, etc.) to create makeshift weights. You can use chairs and couches as bench presses.
19. Free online workout challenge
Another option would be to follow free online workout challenges. There are Instagram live shows, Zoom meetings, and YouTube tutorials.

20. Write a dream/ideas/goals list or book
To keep you motivated and excited for the future, making a dream (or ideas or goals) list or book can inspire you to pursue the things you’ve always wanted to do. You can plan and make new goals to achieve as you build this list of your life-long goals.
21. Start a journal
Starting a journal can really help you process your emotions and thoughts. It can help you do a brain dump and bring a new sense of self-awareness. You can start to be mindful on the way you spend your days and see how often you worry about trivial things.
SEE ALSO: How to Journal (3 Separate Ways) + FREE Journal Prompts
22. Write a poem
Writing poetry can be another creative form of releasing our emotions. The poetry genre is interesting as it can be as freeing as you desire or as contained if you follow one of the established forms such as the sonnet, the pantoum, the haiku, etc.
23. Write a short story and then submit it
You can write a short story for fun. Then you can tweak and submit your story online if you wanted to.
24. Write a novel
Another thing you can do; you can write a novel for yourself. It’s a good brain exercise and helps your creativity as you create a fictional world to take you out of the monotony of every day life.
SEE ALSO: How to Write a Novel in 30 Days (10 Tips + Bonus Tip)
25. Write a memoir
Writing a memoir or even an autobiography can help you digest some of your past experiences and feelings as you revisit some of your memories. It can be for your personal use or for passing down to you family members, or even for publishing.
26. Write letters
You can write letters to loved ones or friends that you haven’t seen in a while. You can have penpals. We can relish in thoughtful and heartfelt letters because we are more likely to write more openly and honestly in these letters.

27. Read books
This is the perfect time to read that book series or those very long books you’ve been putting off. Books are truly our constant companions. We can learn and also be entertained by them.
SEE ALSO: Book Recommendations
28. Find and explore new artists
Finding and exploring new artists can be rewarding and spark motivation to be more productive.
29. Watch all the films you’ve always wanted to watch
It’s the perfect time to catch up on the movies you’ve always wanted to watch. I believe – much like music, art, and literature – movies are an indispensable form of reference. They have become part of our culture and the way we understand the would around us.
30. Watch documentaries
Documentaries are great for educational learning or simply to gather fun informational facts.
31. Listen to audiobooks
It is also a great time to catch up on audiobooks while doing chores or relaxing from the day’s work.
32. Join newsletters of things you are interested in
Another productive thing to do would be to join newsletters on topics you are interested in learning and reading every week.
I joined about 10 to 20 newsletters before launching my own blog!
You can join my newsletter here! 💌
33. Listen to Podcasts
You can also listen to Podcasts and even try discovering/listening to topics you normally wouldn’t.

34. Relearn an old subject
It would be an opportune time to throw ourselves back in a topic we were once interested in but never had the time to fully devote ourselves to.
35. Start online courses
You can start free online courses or pay a small subscription fee to platforms that host a variety of courses such as Skillshare.
36. Learn a new instrument
Another learning opportunity involves learning a new instrument and/or practicing a new song.
37. Learn a new language
It is also a great time to learn a new language. A fun and cheaper way to learn languages are through Duolingo and Youtube videos.
38. Learn how to speed read
Speed reading is actually a valuable skill. Learning how to speed read makes it easier to pinpoint valuable information by quickly skimming through texts.
39. Learn new words
Learning new words daily can help enrich your vocabulary. Then, you can impress your friends on the next Zoom call.
40. Learn how to knit or crochet
What better time to learn how to knit and/or crochet since these tasks involve a bit more time and patience. Yet, they can be very relaxing hobbies in order to unwind and decompress.
41. Learn calligraphy
Learning calligraphy also takes time and patience to learn and master. But the results are exciting and fun to reap. Calligraphy can also be used for at home wall prints and designs to help you decorate if you want.
Cleaning & Organizing

42. Clean cupboards and/or your fridge
Oh man, a great time to clear out your cupboards and your fridge to sort through the expired items, to clean and organize things better. Also, you can get an idea for what to cook on the next meals by using food items before they go bad.
43. Clean closet and/or rearrange your drawers
Another thing to do is to finally clean out and sort through your closet and/or drawers. Get rid of stuff and also rediscover the stuff that are stuffed or hidden.
44. Organize something you put off
Along the same lines, you can organize anything you’ve been putting up for a while.
45. Donate or alter the clothes you don’t wear
You can donate or even take the liberty to alter some of the clothes you don’t wear.
46. Go through paperworks
You can also go and sort though some paperworks for school, work, taxes, etc. Some other things you can do involve scanning or discarding some of the documents that have been piling up.
47. Declutter all of your devices and apps
Another idea would be to finally allow yourself to declutter all of your devices and go through all of your apps.
SEE ALSO: How to Refresh Your Life (20 Simple Ways)
48. Back up all of your devices
Backing up all of your devices can only help prevent from the inconveniences of technological crashes and/or mishaps.
If I didn’t back up as frequently as I do (it is starting to become a habit now), I would have lost most of my work as the documents on my second computer pile up on the daily.
49. Organize your desk space and/or your stationary
It is also an ideal time to organize your desk space and/or your stationary to help you focus and have a nicer work space.
50. Sort old photos
And finally, another thing you can do is to sort through old photos. You can scan them or put them into photo albums or scrapbooks.
I hope you have gained some ideas on productive things you can do at home during quarantine in 2021. Let me know what are some of the productive things you’ve done during the lockdown!
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