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Since this post is about how to use the law of attraction to get what you want, I won’t be going into the details in this post about the different Laws of Attraction. My point – to illustrate in this post – is to demonstrate how you can use the LOA (Law of Attraction) to obtain the things you truly want.
I want to walk you through the simplified definition of the Law of Attraction, its cognitive benefits as well as it’s commonly referenced books. I’d also like to briefly offer you my personal experience before jumping into the 5 tips on how to use the Law of Attraction to get what you want!
I will first define the Law of Attraction in its most simple and reductive definition, which is the following:
The Law of Attraction states that positive or negative thoughts (and/or ‘energy’) bring about, consequently, positive or negative experiences.
Therefore, explaining the ‘attraction’ part in which positivity breeds a healthy and happier life, while negativity would perpetuate negative outcomes in the many aspects of life (e.g., relationship, health, finance, etc.)
Whether you’re spiritual, philosophical, mystical – or not -, the law of attraction might make some sense to you regarding its cognitive affect.
It has been observed in therapy (especially cognitive behavioural therapy) that reframing patients patterns of thinking towards a more positive paradigm has healing effects. Since an unhealthy mind equates misery and often times an unhealthy overall lifestyle combined with poor decision-making, life-choices, etc.
Some commonly known and reference books concerning the LOA:
- “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne
- “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill
- “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle
A few words before we jump into the 5 tips on how to use the Law of Attraction to get what you want…
I started to slowly use the Law of Attraction to my advantage to aid me better my mental health by transforming negative thoughts and patterns into more positive thoughts. And, in doing so, a lot of positive changes happened in my life because these positive thoughts prompted me to take positive actions. I was able to sleep better, saw a significant improvement in my health and mood, as well as I lost weight. Additionally I started to further believe in myself, enough to start a blog and consequently an online business all on my own.
What I am trying to say is that, it is hard to separate ourselves from our limiting belief system. Since LOA is not a scientific approach but part of 19th century ‘New Thought’ philosophy, we like to discredit it before even understanding its ideals.
However, reading books on positive thinking and witnessing others change their lives through positive thinking and consequently positive actions and change, motivated me to give a chance to the Law of Attraction. I started to view it more as a daily practice to keep myself more positive, open-minded, and focused on the present moment.
I will say, it needs practice and patience, as well as some level of dedication. If you apply the LAO or anything similar just for one day; it obviously will not work for you to reap the long-term effect. As any other practice, it requires exercising your brain and therefore developing a habit.
1. Manifest during high vibration
The first tip is to manifest during a high vibrational mode when using the Law of Attraction.
What does this mean? It means don’t try to manifest when you’re in a bad mood or when you are doubting yourself. You will unconsciously self-sabotage yourself because you are already in a bad place to be manifesting.
When you believe in something; you will find the evidence to support your belief. So if you’re manifesting and you are already thinking negative thoughts and/or feelings about yourself; you will attract something to confirm these negative beliefs you have of yourself.
In those instances, try to focus on how you can be happier in the present moment instead.
SEE ALSO: How to Focus in the Present and be Happier
You need to be happy and your most energetic self to be able to visualize and imagine your best self. Having the highest vibration will attract the most positive outcomes because you already are in a positive headspace, you already truly believe that the next good thing is around the corner waiting for you to take the leap.
And so when it comes at you, you take gladly take the opportunity.
2. Distraction free
The second tip would be to use the law of attraction when you are not distracted. Use that distraction-free time in your day to fully concentrate and visualize the way you truly want your life to be.
At first, I didn’t understand the point of doing this. I have always been a person to consistently multitask and think of random things at random hours of the day. (I think daydreaming is a sign of being a writer bored of every day life but that’s a topic for another day. 😅)
Admittedly, I used to daydream at work, at school, on transit although I never gave myself fully into what I was visualizing because I had to take care of the more pressing things such as working and studying.
I only understood the importance of having a distraction free time in your day when I gave it a try myself. From a young age, I have always seen my father take a few minutes completely distraction free as he sat in his parked car to meditate.
Once, when I was younger, I finally asked him what he was doing. And he told me that he was visualizing himself accomplishing a goal. Fast forward a few months later and he would lose the weight he wished to lose and get that salary raise he envisioned, and consequently worked for.
Because he took those quiet downtime of the day and kept them distraction free in order to fully visualize. Whatever he visualized he ended up incorporating the daily steps to get to his goals.
Because his mind was already there.
Those were always his words before accomplishing something: “My mind is already there.” Younger me could not comprehend. How could your mind already be at a place that you haven’t actualized yet? Older me now understands.
Other good distraction-free times to visualize would be in the morning when you have your cup of coffee or at night with your cup of tea. Block the world, put your earphones in, and visualize.
SEE ALSO: How to Achieve Your Goals
3. You need to truly believe in what you visualize
You need to truly to believe in yourself and you need to truly believe in what you visualize. If you visualize being the world’s richest man, I’m sorry to break it to you…
Ask yourself questions!
Do you really want to be the world’s richest man? Or what you wish for is something a bit more realistic AND that you truly believe you can accomplish, such as obtaining your financial freedom earlier rather than later.
What does being rich mean to you? Not struggling financially? Having more money generated than the money you spend? Being debt-free? Owning more than one house?
Whatever your answers may be, for you to get what you truly want, you need to truly believe that you can get it. And, as a result, it has to be something you can actually visualize.
How do you think people lose crazy amount of weight? It is because they know it is possible and they know they can do it – they visualized themselves losing all that weight. They visualized a version of themselves that was healthier and leaner. This happened to me back in 2018. I truly believed and visualized constantly that I could lose weight, and in two years worth I lost 22kg (over 45 pounds).
SEE ALSO: 5 Easy Eating Habits to Lose Weight
4. Picture yourself in specific scenarios
My fourth tip on how to use the law of attraction to get what you want is to be able to picture yourself in specific scenarios. By putting yourself in these specific steps; you can more readily reach your goals and get what you want.
This tip is a step further from the previous tip because when you start to believe what you want to achieve; you start to implement the steps to get there. To help you do so, you need to put yourself in specific scenarios.
Say I wanted to started a successful newsletter like Seth Godin’s, I would start by visualizing myself in all the steps that would lead up to that goal.
(You can visit Seth Godin’s site and subscribe to his newsletter here.)
So the first step I would do is picture myself joining an online email service (such as Convertkit), composing the emails, announcing and marketing my newsletter to my audience, and then finally sending out the emails. Then I would consistently picture myself sending emails to my growing audience. I could picture the delight I would feel when I get to personally interact with my readers.
Now the goal of me starting a successful newsletter is vivid in my mind. I know the necessary steps because I have already pictured them.
When you open your eyes, you need to feel that what you’ve seen is more than possible; it’s achievable. It has to feel equal parts real and attainable.
PS: You can join my newsletter here.
To help you with visualization of specific goals and steps, I would recommend either journaling or creating a vision board. I personally use both for maximum effect. I write down all the steps I visualized and I have a visual representation on my vision board.
I have posts both on journaling and visual board creating.
5. You really need to want it
My final tip might seem obvious but it is unfortunately often ignored: You really need to want it.
You need to be able to immerse yourself fully in what you want. It has to be at the forefront of your mind. By prioritizing it this way, you are more likely to attract and create what you really want.
Furthermore, you need to share the excitement and the gratitude in the steps leading up to what you have been visualizing to become, create, and/or attract. Let me explain this by briefly going back to my weight loss example:
My previous weight loss journeys failed because I wasn’t excited and I wasn’t grateful for the work it required of me. It felt like a punishment to eat healthier and get more active, and consequently, I was demotivated and ungrateful. Although I wanted it, I didn’t really want it because I wasn’t ready for the commitment. I wasn’t grateful for the changes and the growth it offered me even when I knew I’d be healthier and happier in the end.
Once I became grateful and excited to not only lose weight but to think differently – as in more positively – about weight loss and lifestyle changes; I got what I really wanted.
I think it’s also worth noting that we sometimes want some things more than others. We can focus on fixing more than one aspect in our lives but ultimately what we really choose to want, will be the one that sees the better result.
Sometimes narrowing it down to one thing you truly want and that you are truly dedicated to can help in the long run to help you attract greater positive changes in other aspects of your life.
Generally when I focus on my daily nutrition (as in eating healthier), I tend to feel more energetic, and when I feel more energetic, I exercise more, and when I exercise more I am happier, when I am happier, I reduce my stress and I am able to sleep better. All of these positive chains of effect contribute to further weight loss.
And thus, a great focus on fixing one thing had a positive catalytic effect on other health obstacles.
SEE ALSO: How to Create A Vision Board
That concludes my 5 tips on how to use the Law of Attraction to get what you want! Let me know if you’ve ever used the LOA or any equivalent to make positive change in your life! 🙌🏼
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